Sunday, May 1, 2016

Societies Trends Concerning Marriage and Family

Societal trends are having a negative effect with concerns to the traditional family. Some people would say these new trends have no harmful effects on society. People should be allowed to make choices on what they feel is best. There is some truth to this but people misunderstand that these choices will affect society as a whole. Studies show that the best environment for a child is the intact married heterosexual couple. The link below will take you to some statistics.
Family structure studies and outcomes
Our culture is getting away from traditional marriage and many aren't even getting married. One fourth of the households in US 2010 census were single homes. There is strong increase in people cohabitating so they can "test"out there relationship before they get married. There were 6.8 million households in the 2010 census who fit this category. This academic journal of marriage and family previews some of the research that has been. Consequences of Cohabitation The results show there is more negative or neutral outcomes then postive for those who chose this lifestyle.
There is also a society trend of people having less children and not having enough people to keep the population stable. We will grow for a few more years but countries all over the world will see decreased populations. This will effect our economy.  This two part series will explain how this will effect our economy. Effects of fertility rates. Women are having less children. The fertility rate is right around 2.13 children per woman. The video explains that humans provide knowlege and skills that our needed in our economy. Each person matters. The less children brought into this world means that their will be less minds to provide answers to the problems we face.
There are many trends in the world today concerning family that should cause concern. People say I am going to live how I feel I want to live. Yes there is some truth to that. We all should definitely make our own choice but those choices need to be made well aware of the consequences that will have. Your choices always affect people in the long run. Please be informed and support traditional families.

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