Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gender and the family

Gender is an essential part of who we are. In the culture we live in, gender has become harder to define. What makes you a male or a female? Some would argue it is your biological sex and others would say it is where you fit socially. This could conflict with gender and biological sex.
Why do some individuals have same sex attraction and others don't?
Many would proclaim that they were born this way. This statement is popular and politically correct, but it is not scientifically shown to be that way. There have been studies showing that genetics only make up a small portion of a person influence to have same sex attraction. They perform these studies with identical twins. One study in Australia showed there was an 11 percent influence with genetics. We don't know how much same sex attraction is influenced by genetics but what we do know is you aren't just born that way. There are other environmental and social factors.
These factors come from the environment of a family. Studies have shown those with same sex attraction experienced sexual intimacy sooner, rejection from peers, and were very father hungry. Only two percent of the US population are considered homosexual.
In recent news peditricians placed a statement that causing a child to choose their gender and then place them on hormone injections is consider child abuse.
There is an ever tolerant society concerning same sex attraction if you are for it. Many who suffer with same sex attraction and would like to overcome are not allowed to have that help. This is ridiculuous and stops that individuals choice. Counseling and therapy research should be allowed for those who want that service. There is much in the media that distorts and fails to tell the truth. If only their nose grew everytime they lied then we would know what to believe. There is research out there and would like to invite you to check out Daryl Ben on what causes us to be attracted. His theory is exoctic becomes erotic.

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