Sunday, June 26, 2016

Communicating to make decisions

Something that has been on my mind is all the decisions Sam and I are making. We have to find work, finish school, find a place to live and make other smaller decisions about our wedding. This is just training for the future. Sam and I are not perfect communicators but we know how to solve problems together.
One way to ensure you are on the same page is understanding that words are symbols. You need to make sure that they mean the same to both of you. Misunderstandings do occur but it is best to find those out early.
Also I would recommend not giving your big talks through text. You miss all the nonverbal cues and tones your partner would use. These make up over 86 percent of all communication to others. Pay attention to those subtle ways of communication. This gives you a better idea what they are saying and how they feel.
These matter as you communicate to make decisions. The best way to do this is a five step process: express love and appreciation,  open with prayer, discuss to a consensus, end with prayer, and share refreshment.
The one I want to focus on is the middle step. When you make a decisions you want to go for an unanimous agreement. This isn't about what you want. It is what is best for your family and what God wants. If this is the case, then two should be able to spiritually discern the answers that they need to chose.
Sam and I want to make decisions this way. Together with a spirit of love and cooperation.
Making decisions can be difficult but the gospel teaches us the perfect way to do it. Jesus Christ would want everyone to feel loved and their opinion mattered. He would want everyone to be fully behind what we chose to do.

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